For the Ceremony & Banquet Payments, please make payments by either
PayPal, Check or Money Order.
Ceremony & Banquet Prices:
– Inductee + One Guest = Free
– Individual = $55.00
– Table of Eight (8) = $400.00
– Table of ten (10) = $500.00
(1.) For Paypal Payments:
Please click this Donate button to send your payment through PayPal.
(2.) For Mail-In Payments,
Please mail a check or money order made payable to
“Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame”
Georgia Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame
Chief Financial Officer
PO Box 55
Whitesburg, GA 30185
Your Gift Matters
The GMVHOF is a 501 (c)(3), non-profit organization that relies on the financial support of individual donors. Please consider making a tax deductible donation today. All donations that are received by the GMVHOF are used only to honor Veterans or to support the GMVHOF ROTC Scholarship Program. Donations of any amount will generate a
receipt to the Donor as long as their contact information is provided. All donations are tax deductible (GMVHOF IRS ID Number: 46-2025738). Please designate if your donation is for the GMVHOF General Fund or the GMVHOF ROTC Scholarship Program.
(1.) For PayPal Donations:
Please click this Donate button to send your donation through PayPal.
(2.) For Mail-In Donations,
Please mail a check or money order made payable to
“Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame”
Georgia Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame
Chief Financial Officer
PO Box 55
Whitesburg, GA 30185
You may make a recurring monthly donation or a one-time donation using PayPal.
The recurring amount will be automatically deducted each month from your account.
If there are any questions not already covered, please feel free to contact the
GMVHOF Director & Chairman of the Board,
COL (Ret) Rick White at 678-427-0915 or