Charlie Alvin Beckwith (ACHIEVEMENT) (Posthumous)
Colonel (Ret), Army, Atlanta. A University of Georgia Graduate and football player, he served on active duty as an Infantry and Special Forces (Green Beret) Officer for 29 years, two of which were in Vietnam with SF and the 101st ABN DIV. There, he led many high-risk missions resulting in him being twice awarded the Silver Star, our nation’s third highest award for valor, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star for Valor, and the Purple Heart. His most notable achievement was, by direction of the Army Chief of Staff, the creation of the highly trained, “Delta Force”. This elite unit is recognized as the “Tip of the Spear” for the defense and security of our nation and our allies.

William Maud Bryant (MEDAL OF HONOR) (Killed-In-Action)
Sergeant First Class, Army, Cochran. On 24 March 1969, as a Green Beret in Vietnam and while serving as the Commander of a Vietnamese Company, he courageously led his men during an intense, life-and-death battle, for over 34 hours against a numerically superior enemy force of three regiments. Throughout the battle, the enemy placed effective fire on his beleaguered force. Ignoring the odds and though severely wounded, he continued to inspire his men. His final valorous act was to charge, overrun, and destroy an enemy position. Soon thereafter, he was mortally wounded. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, and the Medal of Honor.

Richard Bernard Dix (ACHIEVEMENT)
Brigadier General (Ret), Army, Brookhaven. For over 30 years, he led strategic logistic units ranging in size from 200 to over 73,000 Soldiers and civilians, in both peace and war, and in locals ranging from the US, Germany, Kuwait, Qatar, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, and Africa and in the war zones of Desert Shield and Storm, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Because of his selfless and tireless dedication to duty and those he exemplary led, the forces of the US and our Allies would not have enjoyed the un-matched level of support necessary for the success experienced on unforgiving battlefields and afterwards, in the vital missions of peace-keeping and nation building.

Harold Bascom Durham, Jr. (MEDAL OF HONOR) (Killed-In-Action)
Second Lieutenant, Army, Tifton. On 17 October 1967, while serving as an Artillery Forward Observer in the 1st INF DIV Division in Vietnam, US forces came under attack from the enemy concealed in bunkers. As he called-in artillery fire on the enemy and provided first aid to the wounded, he too was hit by an enemy mine. Ignoring his wounds and in a weakened condition, he continued to call-in the needed fires. As the determined and charging enemy attacked, he was wounded a second time. As he lay dying, he continued to rally and inspire those around him, until he expired. His combat awards are: Bronze Star Medal for Valor, Purple Heart, and the Medal of Honor.

Rondall H. Glaze (VALOR) (Killed-In-Action)
Private, Army, Cleveland. On 17 February 1945, while serving as a Rifleman in the 70th INF DIV near Lixing, France, during a company attack, enemy machine fire halted the advance. Realizing the gravity of the situation, he volunteered to take-on the hostile weapon. He crept across open terrain while exposed to heavy enemy fire, hurled a grenade, and knocked-out the position. Though fatally wounded during this action, his courage enabled his company to gain its objective. His devotion to duty at the cost of his life, reflect great credit upon himself. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Service Cross.

Marshall Cicero Huckaby (VALOR)
First Sergeant (Ret), Army, Perry. After first serving in the Navy during the Naval Blockade of Cuba in 1962, he entered the Army for the remainder of his military career. During three years in Vietnam as a Long Range Reconnaissance Team Leader he served in the 25th, 9th, & 1st INF DIVs, 1st AVN BDE, and Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. Continually displaying selflessness, devotion to duty, and bravery, he was twice decorated for heroism and was wounded four times, including being bayoneted during hand-to-hand fighting. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, four Purple Hearts, and two Bronze Star Medals for Valor.

Guy Thomas McDonald (VALOR)
Gunnery Sergeant (Ret), Marine Corps, Fitzgerald. On 30 January 1968, while serving as a Platoon Sergeant in the 1st Marine Division in Vietnam, one of his squads came under intense small arms, machinegun, mortar, and rocket fire from two enemy companies. Although seriously wounded, he refused medical aid and continued to direct his outnumbered force. When a portion of the perimeter was about to be penetrated, he quickly dispatched 15 of the enemy there, causing the remainder to withdraw. Despite his weakened condition, he continued to fight until reinforcements arrived. His combat awards are: Combat Action Ribbon, Purple Heart, and the Silver Star.

Wiley McGarity (VALOR) (Posthumous)
Colonel (Ret), Army, Decatur. On 1 September 1951, while serving as a Company Commander in the 7th INF DIV in Korea, he and his men were located on a strategic hill when they were attacked by an enemy force of 300. Upon seeing that a portion of their position was penetrated, his made a one-man assault armed only with a pistol and grenades, resulting in the killing of six enemy. Then, armed only with an entrenching tool, he savagely fought and eliminated two more in hand-to-hand combat. His inspirational example caused the enemy to quickly withdraw. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Service Cross.

Benjamin Randaulph Mixon (SERVICE)
Lieutenant General (Ret), Army, Columbus. A North Georgia College (NGC, now UNG) Graduate, he served on active duty for 36 years and was a veteran of many combat deployments. His career spanned command positions from platoon to theater level with service in the 82nd ABN DIV, 3rd INF DIV, 101st ABN DIV and the 75th Ranger Regiment. He served in combat in Desert Shield & Storm, Afghanistan, and in Iraq as commander of the 25th INF DIV. His experience in combat and high level staff positions led him in retirement to volunteer his service as a member of the UNG Foundation Board of Trustees and for the Institute for Leadership & Strategic Studies Board.

Richard Andrew Palmer, Jr. (VALOR)
Captain, Army, Macon. On 3 June 1970 while serving as a “Dustoff” Helicopter Pilot in Vietnam, he responded to a call to rescue five seriously wounded South Korean Army Soldiers whose unit was still receiving intense enemy fire. Three previous unsuccessful rescue attempts had been made by another Dustoff Crew resulting in that aircraft being shot down. Despite poor weather conditions and a superior enemy force with heavy firepower, he was determined to attempt this lifesaving mission. Through a hail of enemy fire, he not only rescued the five soldiers but, also the downed and vulnerable aircrew. His combat awards are: 19 Air Medals and the Silver Star.

George Robert Partridge (VALOR)
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), Air Force, Doraville. After attending NGC, he enlisted and later was commissioned and completed pilot training. On 12 November 1965 in Vietnam, while serving as a Forward Air Controller on the ground with the 1st INF DIV, his unit was attacked by a overwhelming enemy force. Disregarding his own safety, he continually exposed himself to hostile fire in order to better observe the enemy’s location and to effectively direct tactical air support. Although wounded, he continued to coordinate the needed fire power, thus saving the unit from being overrun. His combat awards are: Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Silver Star.

Martin Reyna (VALOR)
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), Army, Columbus. On 7 March 1971, while serving as an Infantry Platoon Leader in the 23rd INF DIV in Vietnam, his unit came under intense small arms fire. When one of his men was struck, unable to move, and exposed to direct enemy fire, with total disregard for his on safety, Reyna raced across 50 meters of open terrain to retrieve his Soldier. This action was but one of many acts of bravery that he exhibited during 67 days of constant combat until he was wounded on 24 April 1971, resulting in his evacuation. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, Soldier’s Medal, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star Medal for Valor, and the Silver Star.

David Forest Richards, Jr. (SERVICE)
Chief Warrant Officer 4 (Ret), Army, Savannah. He began his 30 year military career as a 17-year-old Private in the Western Pacific during WWII, served in Vietnam in the 101st ABN DIV, and finished it as being recognized as one of the leading, most knowledgeable, and experienced experts in all aspects of military parachutes including design, maintenance, testing, evaluation, safety, and engineering. A Master Rigger, he amassed over 1,200 jumps, of which many were testing new equipment. A very large and unknown number of military parachute operations have been made safer and many lives saved by the dedicated devotion to duty of this Professional.

Lamar Clarence Smith (VALOR)
Captain, Air Force, Gordon. A Georgia State University Graduate, he served 12 months in in Vietnam in 1971-1972 and completed 117 air combat missions while piloting an armed prop-driven Douglas A-1 Skyraider. Many of these missions were flown at tree-top level, in foul weather, in darkness, and within immediate range of enemy guns and missiles. His relentless attacks on enemy targets, providing close air support to ground forces, and search and rescue efforts were credited with saving the lives of countless downed airmen and ground troops. For his heroism he was awarded eleven Air Medals, six Distinguished Flying Crosses, and two Silver Stars.

Orson George Swindle, III (VALOR)
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), Marine Corps, Camilla. He was a Prisoner of War in North Vietnam for 6 ½ years. While undergoing hundreds of hours of intense torture, beatings, and questioning in inhumane living conditions, he was able to convince his captors that his shrewdly fabricated, false, and plausible details to be factual which proved to be of great value for the survival of his fellow POWs. The nightmare finally ended on 4 March 1973. For his undaunted courage as a POW, he was awarded: Prisoner of War Medal, Navy Commendation Medal for Valor, thirteen Air Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Bronze Star Medals, two Legions of Merit, and two Silver Stars.

John Edwin Taylor, III (VALOR) (Posthumous)
Staff Sergeant, Army, Atlanta. As an Infantry Platoon Sergeant in the 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam and Cambodia, he continually exhibited exemplary leadership and unflinching courage in the face of determined, numerically superior, and well-armed enemy forces. On 9 July 1970 his gallantry was on full display as he rushed under intense enemy fire to the aid of an adjacent platoon that was pinned down by withering machinegun fire. He immediately laid-down an effective base of suppressive fire allowing the tide to turn for his brethren Soldiers. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, Army Commendation Medal for Valor, and the Silver Star.

Jerry Allen White (SERVICE)
Major General (Ret), Army, Columbus. He served on active duty for 34 years including two years in Vietnam in the 101st ABN DIV and the 23rd INF DIV and later he commanded the 7th INF DIV and the Army Infantry Center & Fort Benning. After retirement, he served as Executive Director of United Way, raising millions to support charities, and as Chairman & President of the National Infantry Foundation, leading the building effort of the National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center. His combat awards are: Combat Infantry Badge, Army Commendation Medal for Valor, Air Medal for Valor, Bronze Star Medal for Valor, Soldier’s Medal, and the Silver Star.